Characteristics of Human Resource Management

Characteristics of Human Resource Management

Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM) focuses on every sector of an organizations. Its characteristics express the importance of HRM in an organization.

In HRM managing people for an organization is crucial factor. It manages people as a quality and efficiency of them to obtain goal in a prescribed time. It considers one of the most prominent factors to direct the employees of the organization.

As per vacancy of the recruitment of candidates organization typically place them to achieve targeted goal. To understand it, its characteristics are as follows.

Main Characteristics of HRM

People Centric

Its main functions is managing people as a norms and value of a company. Overall task is people centric, cause of that manager observes demand and supply of human resources.

As a necessary he/she uses hire and fire system to achieve target of a company. HR manager manages people surrounding sources as necessary of their demand and also focus their lives as quality of company.

It deals with behaviors and natures of employees and place them on suitable job. It plays role as a bridge to fair deal with employees and company. Hence, without hesitation employees can express their feelings and grievances in a friendly environment. Such kind of things helps organization to run smoothly in a competitive environment.

Development Oriented

Market environment is faces per second new challenges. Every challenges demand new ideas and solutions. To meet such ideas organization utilizes maximum capability of their employees and brings new talents and employees.

It trains employees to develop their skills, dealing powers, knowledge and attitude to tackle market challenges. Every year old employees and new employees retired and hired respectively as a company rules. HR manager receives experiences from retired employees and trains newly employed people to fulfill gap of an organization.

Organization pick-up new technology and resources to compete in market. Such technology and resources reduces cost and increases production of an organization and also develop quality of a product. Cause of that human resource management must be accept developing quality of marketization and organization.

Goal Oriented

Human resource manager maintains employees, put them in right man at right place in right time. It runs human resources as a directive manner to achieve focused goal of an organization.

Organizations goal can be short term and long term. HR manager that bridges the communication between low level employees and high level managers. It establishes fair platform to express their opinion in top level managers and low level employees.

Such platform helps managers to learn new ideas and take corrective action as a targeted goal. As an organization rules and regulations it maintains employees, hire and fire procedure. Such kind of norms plays a vital role to regulate employees behaviors. Organization goal is specific, so every level of employees should give proper strengths and cooperation to obtain determined goal.

Continuous Process

Managing people in an small or big organization is prominent and never ending process. In an organization it is a process of recruitment, development, utilization and appraising.

HRM performs such functions as a organizations rules and regulations. It harmonize relation of managers, employees and organization from recruitment to retirement. As a organizations well growth employees increment respectively increase, such things directs workers strength in positive manner.

It is a constant functions managing people in a right direction. As per the beginning to ending phase, it harmonize business needs.


HRM functions is necessary in every type of organization. It is prominent not only in big organization, it also in two members operation. If some task is demanded as a team work there should be important to HRM.

Where every persons task are defined to complete selected target of that team. It also covers profit and non-profit organization. Hence, universality is important feature of HRM.

Result Oriented

Human resource management motivate employee to give their best performance. It places best employees in all sectors of organization. All the function of managing people is result oriented.

HRM communicate and coordinates top level management and low level employees to increment their best things. Day by day result of an organization helps to take corrective action. Result oriented task act like feedback.

Conflict Management

In human resource management employees management is crucial task. It deals with motivating employees, also as placing their grievances and feedback in management level.

Conflict may be between management level and employees or among workers. Everyday disputes of workers can be arise regarding their salary, working time, quality of work life, job placement and so on.

Such issues reduces organization’s productivity and goodwill. HRM uses strategic method to address and resolve employees issues in suitable manner cooperating with top level management.

Decision Oriented

Managing all the workers, sectors of an organization for better output. Human resource management team takes some prominent decision to the company’s welfare. Decision of HRM provides best resolution to current challenges.

HRM ensures decision should be according to organization rules and regulation, also in goal oriented. It places good policies in management level. Such policies helps smoother run of an organization.


Human resource management is one of the prominent part of an organization. It manages people right man at right place at right time. All the functions of HRM defined how organization output will be increase in proper economic manner.

HRM’s all characteristics is focused in organizations welfare. These characteristics play challenges part of an organization. If HRM could not followed such characteristics organization can’t achieve targeted goal. Hence, it takes decisions following rules and regulations to smoother direction of the organization.

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